What is a C02 regulator?
The main component in any aquarium containing plants, should be a quality CO2 regulator setup. It is used to control and maintain the health of all amphibian plants. The regulator contributes massively to the development of every single plant through assisting in photosynthesis. Quality lights and CO2 regulators should be at the top of your list when building your dream aquarium. For the plant life in your tank to survive, it needs a steady supply of CO2 during daylight hours. Specifications of these CO2 regulators depend on make and model but all of them attempt to accomplish the same thing. Aquarian plants utilize asteady stock of CO2 along with light to provide oxygen and certain sugars, which in turn assist their development.
Maintaining an Eco-system is a delicate task. We are trying to replicate perfect conditions for all life in our tank to thrive. In nature plants are usually subjected to vast amounts of C02 through natural processes. In a closed environment we need to attempt to re-create these conditions. In a closed environment such as an aquarium, CO2 is naturally restricted. Water that we artificially place in an aquarium has a restricted CO2 content, and there are no natural processes to provide it naturally. This is why it is recommended to enhance your tanks CO2 content through a regulator. This will replace these natural processes and ensure that your Eco-system has is more grounded.
Light and CO2 production go hand in hand. So the amount of CO2 that is needed is generally dependent on the lighting systems you have in place, or wish to install. Furthermore, the type of plants that you have will also require a certain consideration.

Bubble Counter
How can we monitor C02 visually? The amount of CO2 in your tank is paramount to it's health. A bubble counter gives the aquarist a visual method of determining CO2 levels entering the aquarium. Generally you will find these added to any CO2 regulator systems due to it's user friendly nature. A bubble counter is used to adjust your regulators. You can count the amount of bubbles per second and calculate the CO2 entering the aquarium.

Output Pressure
Output pressure is the measure of dispensed CO2 that is being let into the tank. These systems are created with safety systems in place. CO2 outlets should always be compatible and accordingly rated. Gauges or systems with dual gauge features are commonly seen to appropriately regulate pressure. From a dual stage regulator to systems that maintain easy installation, the sky is the limit.
Generally the output pressure is regulated to reduces the pressure that is found inside the cylinder to appropriate levels. A pressure reducing regulator will produce a controlled and reduced pressure output, inline with what you require.
Shipping and Delivery
As soon as possible if you have purchased wet goods they will be
sent during the beginning of the week to prevent sitting in a
distribution centre over the weekend. Dry goods will be sent through out
the week
Do we sell live shrimp?
Unfortunately at the moment we are unable to post live fish.
However if you live in the Brisbane and Gold Coast area we are able to
deliver live fish and shrimp just send us an email or Facebook message
to find out whatโs available and organise delivery
Do we ship to TAS,NT,WA & SA?
Due to bio security laws we are only able to ship dry goods to these states
How do I know if this product is what I need?
If you have any questions about a product donโt hesitate to
contact us and we will be more than happy to help you find the right product. We also have some videos on YouTube just search Duthie Aquatics
on YouTube
We accept card transactions and direct deposits with payment confirmation. Once payment has been received you will be supplied with a receipt and subsequently with shipping information.
Due to the nature of the products being sold, refunds are subject to defective goods. Please contact us as soon as is convenient and we will do our best to accomodate you
Warranty of products vary due to the nature of the producs we sell. We adhere to all returns and exchange policies and we will go above and beyond to provide you with great customer care